I would just like to say thanks to all my Sale-a-bration hostesses for holding a workshop this SAB year!!!! It's been awesome, and I have had my best sales ever thanks to all of you!!! WHOO HOO!!! I even held my biggest party ever this quarter!!!! THANKS TO TANYA!!!!
PHEW!!!! I was exhausted! But, it was a good exhausted!!! I couldn't wait to get home from work, just so i could work on parties! Get parties entered! Get to the SU! site to see my totals! I couldn't believe it! Gosh, I love this stuff!!!!
So, now it's back to normal, and slowing down a little! lol! There is an upcoming class on May 9th, Butterflies and Pussywillows....please email me to sign
Call me to get your party booked! Also, don't forget, if you would like to make some extra cash like i do,,,,and have a blast at it everyday like i do....Stampin' Up! is still offering the starter kit for three easy payments of approx $66 each! Can't beat that!!!! Call me or email me if you are considering signing up!!! I can answer your questions!!!! I really do have a blast with this stuff...and this last quarter will either pay for my camping trip this year....or help with my son's graduation party! Can't beat that!
Ok, so i'm off to get ready for another party! Talk to you later!